Saturday, February 23, 2008

You Know What the Monty Python Boys Always Say...

My backyard looks like the Easter Bunny went on a bender last night and threw up all over my patio. But it was just Jack, feeling his artist wings and doodling with sidewalk chalk. He has been totally engaged with this new expressive medium, chalk on patio (and walls and chairs and slide and sandbox and sliding glass doors and Berber's curtains and couch), and loving it so much that he's been eating it. He's now ingested so much sidewalk chalk that I called my pediatric nurse friend just to make sure he wasn't going to develop some crazy chalk-borne disease. No, she said. Just purple poo. Which he had. Which was weird.

I know it's been pretty depressing around here lately, my blog becoming a place where good moods go to die. But I'm deciding to shift gears a little bit and take a word of advice from my friend Traci who- in much nicer words- said, "Shut the fuck up with your whining already!" And as if I needed to hear it again, I pulled some cards for myself the other day and one of them read this:

Stop isolating yourself and dwelling on your misery and go outside. See the Divine all around you. Focus on the beauty, power, and holiness that nature affirms. Breathe in the Divine. You are in God and God is in you.

So, this post is my attempt to move out of the dwelling on the misery part of things into more of the beauty, power and holiness part of things. Or, at the very least, to the funny part of things. Funny, I can do.

I mean, purple poo is funny.


jenna's blogs said...

purple poo IS funny.

i agree:)

Anonymous said...

It's only out of love baby!!

amber. said...

Jenna: It is, kinda like this.

Traci: I feel the love, I feel it.

Anonymous said...

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

amber. said...


I think I love you! I wasn't sure anyone would get that... yeah!
