Sunday, February 24, 2008


I want to be showered with confection.
I want powdered sugar to land on my face like snowflakes from a Sweet source.
I want to lay down in fields of cotton candy daisies
and eat them, petal by petal.
You love me, You love me not.
I want to bask in the sunshine of your loving
as if it were only for me
and to feel it soaking into my skin
like a suntan.
I want to wear skirts made of pink tule
layers and layers of pink tule
and tiaras that you bought for me
at the state fair.
And I want you to hold my hand and notice that I
am by your side.
And want me there.


jenna's blogs said...

this is AMAZING. i love this.

amber. said...

Thanks, Jenna. I love it, too.

123Valerie said...

I made a little song for you, Amber. It's going to be tough to relay, but it goes:


Amber, Amber

Amber, we both like che-eeeeeeeese.


Amber, Ameber

The cheese does plea-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!

That's all I have now.

amber. said...

Valerie: I like where that song's heading.... nice. Thanks for coming by. I'll be back to your neck of the woods soon.

Melissavina said...

I love this.
