Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bite me, Alpha mom.

I just got should on all over by an alpha mom in the parking lot of my favorite Mexican food market. She ambushed me as I approached my car, totally unaware of the surprise attack hiding in the minivan. And she got me, right where I am weakest: in the you're-a-bad-mother-artery. It could have been a fatal blow, had I not come off of a great day with Jack.

This was not the post I had anticipated writing this evening. I was going to write about how I took Jack to the beach today and how we played in the sand. I was going to write about how I realized that I live a charmed life where days like today exist; days where the sun is shining a glorious 75 degrees in early February, where I have a whole afternoon to waste burying my son's feet in the sand, where I wear long, flowy skirts and flip flops and feel like I am part of the earth, itself. I was going to write about how, in a moment of inspiration, I realized that I am living the life that I want to live and feelings of not-good-enough and lack were chased away by gratitude.

I drove home from the beach, sunkissed and sandy, and it dawned on me that the perfect ending to this summery winter day would be to bar-b-que carne asada in my backyard. So, Jack and I ran a few errands (including three movie rental stores to find the very coveted Elizabeth, the Golden Age) and then stopped by La Tortilleria, a convenience store by my house that always has perfectly marinated carne asada and just-ripe avocados. Because I found a parking spot right in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and because I knew I would be less than five minutes, I decided to leave Jack in the car. I have done so before, like every other mother I know, because I understand that the difficulty of getting Jack out of the carseat and into a stroller and then back out of the stroller and into the carseat is greater than any risk there may be of leaving him safe in my locked car. However, momma bear parked next to me felt otherwise.

I came out of the market to find her craning out of her minivan window and looking at Jack (who, by the way, was happily playing with a toy). "Is that your baby?" she asked when she saw me walking to my car. "Yes," I responded, ready to hear the usual Oh, he's so cute or I remember when mine was that small... Instead: "You really shouldn't leave your baby in the car."

"Oh, I know-" I started, jovially.

"It's illegal," she said, with false concern and very sincere superiority. "Not only is it illegal, but it's very unsafe. She could suffocate in there!"

I stared at her, dumbstruck. Was she really doing this to me?

"Ma'am, I know you love your baby, but someone could come and kidnap her and you would never see her again. She could be in Tijuana before you knew it!"

Feeling defensive and very annoyed, I threw my avocados and carne in the passenger seat and said, "Okay, thank you. Goodbye."

She continued. "It's illegal to leave your baby in the car, even for a minute. You just never know what could happen."

I slammed the passenger door and walked away, shocked by how condescending this woman was. Who the hell does she think she is? And what the fuck does she know about me? Does she know that I have spent the last year and a half of my life giving up everything I am, everything I know, everything I do to be available and present for my son? Does she know that I spent eleven months not sleeping so that my son would feel safe and cared for in the middle of the night? Does she have a fucking CLUE that I gave up my career and became a nanny so that my son could spend the first years of his life with his mother nearby? Does she know what kind of mother I am? Apparently not, because if she did she would have stopped to shake my hand.

"Don't get mad at me because I pointed out that you are doing the wrong thing to your child! It's not safe to leave her in there," she shouted. "It's ILLEGAL!"

"It's none of your business," I said back, leaving much unsaid. "Goodbye!" She let out a big sigh of exaggerated frustration, rolled her eyes and drove away. I got in my car and realized I had a choice. I could let this superior-mom-mugging ruin my day or I could say, fuck you, you crazy bitch and go home and eat some carne asada with my son.

It was some good carne.


the Garcia family said...

That sucks that she ruined such a great day!! I leave my kids in the car almost every day while I run in to get a Diet Pepsi at the liquor store. Getting two kids out for a three minute trip to get a DP!? No way! Everytime I do, I think someone like that will ambush me too. Stupid people.

Anonymous said...

No matter what you do or what you don't do, there will be people who don't agree with your choices. Always.

You do what you think is best for you and Jack and don't worry about anyone else. You are the only person who has to live with your decisions.

love you.

amber. said...

Jen: I will never ambush you. In fact, I want to present you with this award: Mother of the YEAR!!! Thanks for the support. We outlaw mommmas need to stick together.

Traci: Preach it, sista! You should run for president. I'd totally vote for you.

DanBin said...

Your blogs are so real and probably experienced by many other moms who are afraid to say it. I look forward to reading your blogs...maybe you should consider a writing profession. As a future mother to be, thanks for writing the honest truth, you've helped me have the courage to do the same. Damn Jack in the Box. B

HopSkipJump said...

You should have replied with : "Well, usually I lock him in this dog crate I have at home but I knew that the maid was coming over and I didn't want to have to deal withchild protective services."

Tell the bitch to bite you. I mean, hello? Does anyone else out there our age remember what we went through? My mother had us in the car for 45 minutes with the windows rolled up tight in 85 degrees. I turned out fine!

Paige Jennifer said...

So what this mother is REALLY saying is her kids will need intensive therapy and yours won't.

jenna's blogs said...

i just wanted to scream that HE is a BOY!!

not a girl!!

thanks for being so great at attention to detail lady.

why do people feel it's their duty to police the world?? i'm just wondering...


the Garcia family said...

Me too, Jenna, I kept waiting for Amber to turn around and yell "fuck you bitch, he's a boy!" (I wish I was there for this moment!)

amber. said...

Bindhu: YES! Way to go on your Jack in the Box post, by the way! I loved it! Keep up the blatant, unashamed, unabashed honesty! Here's to TMI!

IF: How did you know about the dog crate? Who told you?

Paige: Oh, man, I need therapy after my little altercation with her. Imagine how her kids must feel...

Jenna: ME TOO! I mean, he was wearing a tiara... Oh, speaking of Jack being a girl, check
this out!

amber. said...

Jen: I wish you had been there, too. We could have put some serious hurt on that bitch.

Leslie said...

You know what I would've done? I would have gotten in my car, revved the engine, and pushed the pedal to the metal into the back of her car, screaming "TAWANDA!" the entire time.

Bitch better back off.

Christie Parker said...

Just want to say that I live in Alabama where I probably have an actual risk of suffocating my kids on any given day, and I still leave them in the car regularly. Noah actually says, "Mom, can we just stay in the car?" (He HATES the fabric store.) It's not like you left it unlocked with the engine running so that freak lady could drive off with him! (And it sounds like she probably would have...) It would have been fun to tell her that you used to work in child protective services and that you'd be sending someone to check on her kids soon to test for anxiety disorders. Wish you lived closer so you could just drop off Jack for a playdate/mommy break when you have errands to run. Hang in there and don't let that condemnation seep into your consciousness.

amber. said...

Leslie: It took me a minute to remember where that quote came from, but then it hit me: Fried Green Tomatoes! Brilliant!

Christie: Long time, no see! I'm so honored that you made it over to my little cybergarden of expression. And I'm so glad to hear that you leave your kids in the car, too. Phew. You are my moral compass. I miss you, Christie. Glad to hear from you! And thanks for reading.

Anonymous said...

I found it! Thanks Amber, I feel very "unalone" about my situation now. Only difference is the man was actually harrassing me from market to car VERY LOUDLY.