Saturday, October 4, 2008



Anonymous said...

I LOVE there's a rule about not writing on the table, but body parts are fine - that's awesome!! My only fear is that Jack is going to grow up to be one of those guys who paint their faces and exposed torsos for football games when it's 20 below outside. Make sure there's a rule against THAT! Heather

HopSkipJump said...

I guess this is why you had to run off when we were chatting the other day. Wow... he's so cute. If that's typical, I hope you're getting enough sleep.

amber. said...

Heather: I know! I caught myself as I was saying it. "Don't write on the table. Body parts are fine." WHAT?! But I am going to have a strict rule against football, in general. In fact, all sports are banned.

IF: Yes, it was. And, no, I'm not. Today, at 5:45am, he woke me up by falling out of his big boy bed. Again.

blmjr said...

I've been looking to get me one of them belly tattoos. Do they only come in brown? xoxo b

amber. said...

Well, only if you want it to look like "Ewww... poop."

The Momma Giraffe said...

LOL!!! What a great vid. Nice canvas :-)

Anonymous said...

Funny stuff!! I loved hearing your voice!!! Wish I could hear it more often. I too, loved that you just let him do it.... your a great mom!!!


jonas insisted we watch that about 5 times. he especially liked the part when jack said "poop"

Leslie said...

I don't know what's funnier: his actions or your reaction!
"Eeeew, poop..." I sense some easy potty training in his near future!