Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It could be worse. He could love Barney.

My life has been taken over by Thomas the Tank Engine. Jack has found the love of his life and it is a blue steam engine. Jack eats, breathes and sleeps Thomas the Tank Engine, and due to our close proximity, I now do, too. The first thing out of Jack's mouth every morning is "Choo-Choo, Mommy," and it is apparently now a requirement that I kiss Thomas, Percy and Stanley along with my son at bedtime. He has a meltdown every day when I drop him off at daycare not because I am leaving, but because he had to leave his choo-choos in the car.

So, today while suffering under almost intolerably boring and painfully nerdy videos of model trains (to which Jack was glued), I was relieved to find the following video as it was the only one that Jack and I both enjoyed.


Melissavina said...

I clicked on those videos. They are the essence of boring. Consider showing him Yo Gabba Gabba. He'll love it, and it will give you acid flashbacks (even if you've never done acid before) so it will be fun for the both of you.

Anonymous said...

I just have to confess that I 'accidentally lost' both of our Thomas books. Fear of insanity. (mine).

A video I think you would definitely get a kick out of (and, for whatever reason, he would love) is the Wee Sing video The Big Rock Candy Mountains. My mother-in-law got it for the kids and it's... well, it's really inexplicably terrible but they love it. At least it's not boring.

Christie Parker