Monday, August 27, 2007

Treading Water

I thought that I would be excited to see Jack after a weekend away with friends in L.A., but I wasn't. I mean, I was for a few seconds. I was happy to see that he was happy to see me, happy to smell his boyish, yeasty smell, happy to see his little brown eyes and his big, apple-shaped head. But along with all of that came the panic and the hollow-chested feeling that makes breathing hard to do. Along with his sweet, musty smell came the despair of knowing that I am totally alone in the caregiving of this child, that I am responsible for his needs, that it will be only me who will change his every diaper, answer his every cry, take away every dangerous object out of his hand today. Like the plastic bag he just came into the room carrying.

I am overwhelmed by his needs and ashamed at how little I enjoy meeting them. I hate that I hate motherhood. I hate all of the books that say, "Ask your husband to do this or that when you are feeling overwhelmed and tired." I don't have a goddamn husband. I wish I did, but only because then I would have someone to shoulder the
responsibility for this little being of light.

I don't know what to do or how to move forward. I need someone to come and take care of me as I take care of Jack, someone to say, "Okay, now, it's time to eat. Then it will be nap time until four and then you need to go grocery shopping and here's the list." I feel pressure to make a decision about my life, to decide
what's best for me, but I honestly cannot figure that out. Every choice feels scary; I still have Jack wrapped around my ankles, tripping me up.

When I was trainin
g to be a lifeguard in high school, I was required to tread water for 10 minutes while holding two, one-gallon milk jugs filled with water above my head. This image comes to mind as I write, of me swimming wildly, my legs kicking and cramping and it's getting dark out here as I hold myself and Jack above my head, above the water. I can't set either one of us down, but if I hold on to both I'm bound to get tired.


Amy said...

Amber, such a great analogy, treading water. I can't imagine how heavy your burdens must feel. Sometimes our valleys descend deeper than we think we can climb out of. I hope my words don't sound empty to you. I will pray that the Lord will come and carry you through this time.

Corey & Janna Rice said...

Even on your worse day, Corey and I would take you as a mommy any day. We always talk about how incredible you are at it! We miss smoking with you when you are down...or when you are excited....or any time....and watching Jack, and cleaning your apartment, and laughing with you! Guess what? ABC does not allow you to view their shows on-line outside of the US!!!!!!!!! We will be deprived of LOST all year long! I wrote them a very outraged complaint accusing them of discrimination about it and they sent back a generic email about how they generally can't answer all the fan mail they get. I would ban ABC if I didn't love LOST so much! Can you get Melissa to TEVO it for me? Love and hugs ~Jannatalia
P.S. Karaoke isn't the same without Bunny. Too much of a good thing without the right ingredients becomes bland quickly

Corey & Janna Rice said...

bad robot

Anonymous said...

Just hold on for 18 more days......

amber. said...

Okay, Corey, that bad robot thing haunts me in my dreams.


amber. said...

Amy - Thank you.

Corey and Janna - Truly an outrage. An OUTRAGE! OH, and I miss you cleaning my apartment, too. So does everyone else who comes in there. And I miss you guys SO so much.

Traci - Can't WAIT! Have a tall glass of red waiting!

Leslie said...

I love your honesty. I don't have any kids (yet) but I really identify with you for some odd reason...I mean, like, what I think it's going to be like for me in the future. It sort of feels like being a mother is such a defining thing...but I don't want to be ONLY defined by that, but then again, I want to be a mother someday...anyway, I'm rambling but truly appreciate your words even if you feel like they don't make sense. No one is a perfect parent, and you are doing the very best, best, best you can. Sometimes you just need a big ol' break!!

Anonymous said...

I tried to pay attention and read what you were saying but just couldn't concentrate with the n@ked lady pictures. Good pics..good pics...

Kidding aside, can't wait to see you and your little man...


Anonymous said...

amber im here in quiet merrill wisconsin after a crazy wkend watching many wassau performances of my god daughter abby in west side story. everyone is gone, to school or work. except for tala their little puppy who i appreciate at a distance (im allergic to dogs. surprise)...for sitting by me why i type. i have a bunch of case formulations for new clients to complete....uuuggghhh!...i miss you and our big weekend with donovan and billy in la (i even miss your BFF james!)...d and i are trying to organize a breathing day w melanie de puy in october. and i hope youll be there. that we all can breathe deeply together. that day....and today. breathe deeply. together. you over there. me, here...

marley said...

Who are you? You make me cry. I know how you feel. I'm married but I spend a lot of time alone with my son. I just googled "I hate motherhood" because I am have ing a hard time right now with my son. I found your blog. You are so honest. I so appreciate that. Thank you. I took your friend's advice and took some deep breaths. I am putting your blog on my favorite's list. I hope you don't mind.

amber. said...


I am glad you can find some solace here on my little blog. There is comfort in knowing we aren't alone, isn't there? Often times I feel totally alone in the ugly side of parenting. Jack brings out the very best of me and the very worst. This "worst" part is really, really ugly and I haven't quite learned how to deal with this new, nasty side of me. The only thing I know to do is write about it, share it with you and others and hope that in doing so I will find some relief.

Welcome, welcome, welcome, and I hope you come back!