Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Lost. Reward if Found.

Where did my enthusiasm go? It’s been missing for a while, and in its place sarcasm and despair have made themselves welcome, nestling into my life like an unwelcome houseguest that I feel too small to throw out. And now I’m considering abandoning my home just to be rid of its ugly presence, but I have a nagging feeling that it might just follow me wherever I go.

Exuberance is mirrored to me everywhere, people who are engaged in and excited about their lives, and instead of inspired I am filled with shame and deep sadness. I should be like that, I tell myself. I used to be like that. What is wrong with me?

Tonight, like the night before and the nights before that, I couldn’t wait to put Jack to bed. Oh, thank God it’s seven o’clock. Just a half hour to go. Just a half hour before I can numb out, watch TV, smoke a cigarette, eat several platefuls of food, read email. Just a half hour left before I don’t have to be conscious anymore, or pretend to be. Just a half hour left of keeping him busy, keeping him safe, keeping him out of my hair.

But as I am laying him down I am aware that I have not looked at him in the eyes, have not savored him, have not enjoyed him, have not engaged or embraced him today. He has been a nuisance,a bother, a thing to feed and distract and do. I know that I am missing out on him, missing out on my life with him,

missing out on something very, very precious that I will never get back. I am missing out on my life.

Where did my enthusiasm go? I don’t want to play, don’t want to get down on the floor and wrestle, don’t want to look for snails or get wet in the

sprinkler. I want to watch this episode of The Real World instead. I want to numb out.

The kids try to engage me, look for signs of life. I disappoint them every day, annoyed that they won’t just go play by themselves. Just go play over there, I say. Let me be.

They eventually stop trying. I have become a disengaged adult.


Enthusiasm is all around me, like in the John Denver tribute I watched on TV, or in the conviction in which the Supernanny coaches the parents that look like me, in my brother and sister-in-law as they follow their dreams to distant lands, in the voice of my friend who calls to tell me that he has passed his licensing exam. It’s in the newly engaged and energetic couple I met at the party I went to just to pass the time, to swallow up the hours of a long Saturday afternoon.

And it’s in Jack. Jack, my little mirror, reflecting back to me what it looks like to live and to love living. Jack, whom I am afraid, hasalready learned not to expect me to dance when he dances, to squeal with him as he squeals, to be delighted with him by the water in the bathtub as it pours out from the faucet.

I have become his unwelcome houseguest, living off of his energy, sucking it in like a gaping black hole.

Where did my enthusiasm go? Where are you, free spirit? Where are you, joy? Where are you, spontaneity, glee? Have you seen my positive outlook? Have you seen my good friend, laughter? She’s been missing for a while. If you see her, tell her I’d like her to
come back home.


Anonymous said...

i know where your ethusiasm went.
Ohio. come and get it!!

Jorge owes you about $5,000.00 in free hair cuts (remind me to tell you that story), so how about a plane ticket to Cincinnati???

Anonymous said...

oh, and who is the cute little girl?

Amy said...

Amber, no guilt, no shame, just some food for thought...

Quoted from "Free of Charge" by Miroslav Volf.

"Most of us, especially believers among us, won't deny God's existence in order to secure our independence. Instead, we think that we can have it both ways. We believe that we can stand on our own two feet, independent of God, and still affirm that God is the creator of everything. But that doesn't make sense. We cannot be both dependent on God and free; dependence on God is the source of our being, and therefore, our freedom. But we can't be created by God and independent; God sustains creatures in being and in freedom.”

“We need to be willing to let our very effort to know God slide out of our hands, opening them to God’s continued and unexpected self-revelation. Otherwise, like the dog from Aesop’s fable, we may end up dropping the real piece of meat in order to grab its reflection in the water.”

From one stressed out mom to the next, don’t grab the reflection Amber. It will only leave you empty handed. Fight to hang on to that “bone”…..the only truth that can truly sustain.

Melissavina said...

I am in your boat, over here, not rowing, just looking at the water. Same exact boat.

Amy said...

BTW, I LOVE the pictures! Jack's face is precious!

amber. said...

Traci -Ohio! Of course! Why didn't I think to look there? I checked Wisconsin, Illinois, and Kentucky, but forgot entirely about that wily Ohio. And if you're serious about a trip to Cincinnati, I am THERE.

The little girl is one of the three babies that I am the nanny for (I never know how to phrase that sentence. Nanny is an awkward word - can it be used as a verb?) After Jack was born, I found a family that needed a nanny that would allow me to bring Jack along. So, it's me and four babies all day! Sounds like your life (well, it would if Jorge wouldn't have taken care of business, if you know what I mean. Snip snip).

Amy - Thank you for your kind words. I really hear the sincerity in them. I'm not sure what they mean, I'll have to re-read it several times. But thank you. Truly.

Melissavina - Well, since we're out here, I'll toss you a beer. Might as well get drunk together. (you have a smoke?)

jenna's blogs said...

i used to get so pissed off when people would comment on my blog like i was just about to comment on yours. they would say something like "hang in there" or "i am praying for you" and it felt so far away to me. only now, i am feeling what you wrote so deeply... seeing the faces of joy and excitement all around and knowing that you're missing out on LIFE, and i agree with melissavina when she says she's in the same boat. and yet i find myself with a tiny shred of something that wants to reach out and say "hang in there!" i feel you. i know this elusiveness you are writing about. let's hang on to the hope that this too will pass. that tomorrow we will find joy... under a rock, or falling from the sky, or perhaps just by showing up for this life that is ours, yours and mine.

as always, i am moved by your writing. thank you for reaching out and being vulnerable. it is more beautiful than you know.

Amy said...

Amber, I wanted to try and clarify, please don't be offended if I assume incorrectly. My words are meant to be gentle not condemning, Lord knows this is my own struggle too.

The first quote is about us believing that there is a God but also thinking that we don't really "need" him to live our lives. The fact is that He is not only the creator of life but also the sustainer. So as much as we try to live "independent" of Him, we can't. Perhaps your attempt to live independent is why you feel emptiness, a void, and what you need is for the creator of life to carry you and sustain you.

The second quote is about how we try to put God in a box, we think we've got Him figured out. And when it doesn't always work then we try to add other things into our lives to soothe our weary hearts. After a long day, I often find myself wanting to "check-out" from the chaos. But everything that I try to do is nothing that is really going to help me feel better. It’s like I've got this great super power (God) but I don't trust it to work so I trade it in for a quick fix that only lasts until the sun comes up. We have the meat, the dog-bone, the truth, God right in our hands and yet we let it drop into the water, because we think its reflection is what's real. But the reflection is fleeting, it is nothing. We need to let God out of the box and allow Him to WOW us even when we think He can't.

Hopefully I didn't ramble too much. Hope this helps. Hope you are having a better day.

Corey & Janna Rice said...

Amber, if this is the first time this has happened to you, then you are a very enthusiastic person! But you are right, moving in itself never fixes the problem. But if the reasons for moving are right, then it will. I miss you! Janna
P.S., I think that next time I come home I will be able to pull off a British accent at The Landing if Carrie is not in town and you need to make a go of it.

Melissavina said...

How are you? I'm not writing either, so I just wanted to check in.

amber. said...


Uggh. That's really all I can say. That, and thanks for checking in.

See you on Blue Martini! (I JUST got the book yesterday!)
