Friday, May 11, 2007

Mom of the Year Award

I have been awarded the very prestigious and sought-after title of Mom of the Year! This award came after a very inspiring day of wonderfully maternal and nurturing activities, including:

a) accidentally locking my son in the car while he was holding the keys resulting in his being stuck inside for over 45 minutes


b) walking into my friend's kitchen to find my baby eating dog food.

I am so proud.


Amy said...

Like the time I had two of my babies sitting in the double jogger stroller on our driveway and forgot to set the brake as I walked away. I was digging for sunglasses in our van as I heard them yelling, "Mama!" I assumed they were fussing to start our walk. With my head still deep in the van I said, "Hang on!" Then looked up and found that they had rolled down the driveway and all the way across the street. I wanted to call CPS on myself.

Happy Mother's Day Amber!

Melissavina said...

Happy Mother's Day!!!

I love the way you tell a story.
And don't be so hard on yourself, I ate dog food until I was five. Seriously.

Leslie said...

Melissa's lying. She blends dog food into her martinis to this day.

My mother left me in the hot car when I was a wee tot, and I wasn't smart enough to get out. I think it's always the kid's fault. :)

Ahhh, I'm SO looking forward to motherhood...and some jail time...

The Momma Giraffe said...

Or like when I was at my sister in law's house and I was like, thank goodness Torin is finally playing on his own...QUIETLY...only to realize that a baby gate had been taken down and he had managed to climb to the top of the stairs, and when I finally got a clue I went to find him...and there he was at the top of the stairs looking down, the wheels turning in his big old head...