Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The A List

The must-haves Amber thinks are just great:
  1. Little brothers who mop your kitchen floor while he babysits your child. Thanks, Corey!
  2. The VW billboards. As a beetle owner, I beam with pride when I see the fabulous VW billboards urging us to "Dare to be happy." Jaded is overrated, Misery has enough company..." I could start a religion based on this stuff. In fact, I will. Services at 11:00pm.
  3. Cathy Griffin, My Life On the D-List. Love love lovety love love love her. Love.
  4. I'm going to admit something to all of you but you have to promise to still like me. I like to scrapbook. Oh god, I hate admitting that. I was never a crop-till-you-drop-diehard, but I do own a paper-cutter and a punch, or two. Shutterfly is excellent because of the amazing photobooks that you can create online. They're simple, cute, and they don't require adding on a spare bedroom for your craft supplies.
  5. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. A smart, quick paced show that takes lots of shots at the religious right. And Chnandler Bong is in it!
  6. The Glamazons. I found myself inspired by these ladies, although their lead singer could use a pitch corrector for performances. Yikes. OH, and watch to the end of the video for the Hoff's reactions. Fab.
  7. Hey Paula. Oh.My.God. An hour of pure crazy. L-O-V-E. Straight up.
  8. This photo of Jack eating a lime


Leslie said...

I love it...I am guilty, too...and most of all, the best part: JACK. How proud you must be. Get that boy a mojito, pronto!

Amy said...

great list, love the picture of Jack!

Anonymous said...

it is Kathy with a k

amber. said...

Thank you, Captain Anal Pants.