Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Dear Diary...

So, I found my junior high and high school diaries the other day and I have been absolutely horrified and delighted by them ever since. I was a WEIRD kid. I mean, weird. And while I would love to keep some shred of dignity in my life, I feel strongly that these jewels must be shared with the world.

So here they are. Enjoy!

March 31 (Easter) 1991 (note to reader: age 13) Long time, no write. I (heart) Kevin Chase. The guy I met at the Mexicali Outreach at the showers, who I've kissed, cried over, and become girlfriend to. I met him on March 25, sometime after 3:00 (he gave me that statistic). We hung around each other and for the rest of the best week of my life, we were known as a couple and I never felt so good. The people from San Andreas Community Covenant Church loved me so much and accepted me and I (heart) them all so much. Kevin called me twice today, and first asked me to be his girlfriend then told me he missed me and loved me. I told him the same. Oh. He's 17 and a Jr. He'll be 18 on Dec 5.

June 19
(the very next entry) Well, Kevin and I are still going out, but I think I need
to break it off. I love Kevin and I would die for him. But since I (heart) him, I feel like I need to let him go to be free. We'll see each other once this summer at CHIC and I know that we'll just kiss and hug and hang all over each other like we did in Mexicali, but I also KNOW (underlined) that God doesn't want us together and that he has something better for me. But, I've already made a tape for Kevin and we're gonna see eachother, etc., and it's SO (underlined) hard. Plus, I need and want to be free, myself. I don't know how to tell Kevin this and I don't want it to be like we never write or talk ever again afterwards. I think I'll wait till after CHIC to break-up. BUT (underlined), I MUST HOLD MYSELF TO IT. I WILL!

I'm on ASB for the next year as the sophomore sec/treas. I
LOVE (underlined) ASB. We've had a campout and a meeting so far -> both were great. The campout was great because I met Jeremy Buegge (heart heart heart)! He's SO COOL! But... Kevin...

ANYWAY, the meeting was w/ the administration and we
got a LOT accomplished and disgussed (reader, note the spelling). I felt involved the whole meeting. I put my 2 cents worth in and a little more.

I can't wait to start working w/ everyone on ASB this summer and next year. I called today to see about the class of 94's account and I had been told that there probably would be only about $200 in there. But... there's $813.40 in it! I'm so stoked! I can't believe it!

Current events:

1. Swim -> Heartland swim is SO (underlined) hard. Bethany Anderson and I are doing it together and we are about to die. It will get us in shape, though.

2. Mom -> diet with Jenny Craig. So far, so good. She's lost more than half the weight she wants to.

3. ASB -> Buegge, Buegge, Buegge.

4. Nate -> Forest Home (I miss him)

Couples, or who likes who:

1. Amber Rady (I think) likes Jean. She did, and they had a little scuffle, and now she doesn't. It'll blow over.

2. Lisa Gawf and Bubba (Dave) Parris -> SCARY!

3. Steve Rees and Tammy Scenna -> CUTE!

4. Bethany Anderson is in (heart) with Brian Winkleman -> OKAY?

5. Meesha likes Brian Togabot -> AGAIN! OH NO!

6. Sarah Woolsey and Mike Murphy -> who knows?

Okay. Gotta go. It's 11:46pm.


Tamara L. Rice said...

OMG. Amber, I heart you, I really do.

You've inspired me to dig up some old diaries.

I especially like that at 13 you knew it just wasn't God's will that you stay with Kevin.

I want to cry with laughter when I think about that. Really cry...and then cry a little more.


Melissavina said...

I went to CHIC that very year! Can you believe that? We may have crossed paths.

I'm SO (underlined) glad you knew that God didn't want you with Kevin. You needed to be free, so did he.


Melissavina said...

By the way, I've nominated you for an award. Congrats!!

amber. said...

Just wait... there is SO (underlined) much more to come!



Anonymous said...

Bitchin'. I finally get to read my sisters Diary.

Now I'm just pissed at Kevin Chase.

15 years from now we will all be saying something like, "I looked back in the archives section of my blog from 2007 and you won't believe what I wrote..." Fine with me!

Oh...and I'm pretty surprised that Melissa hasn't nominated my blog for the Thinking bloggers award.

Melissavina said...

If you posted more than once every blue moon, I might consider you. But too many times have I visited your page, hoping for something new to brighten my day, just to be crushed with disappointment.


amber. said...

Oops, I added wrong. I was 14 when I wrote this.


It gets more embarrassing the older I was when I wrote it.

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