Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy Halloween... A little bit late.



no way. that is just about the cutest thing ever.
i'm really missing you!

Tamara L. Rice said...

Oh. My. Gosh. My nephew is the cutest thing in the entire world. Cutest. Thing. Ever. CRRAAPP. Amber, why do you do this to me? Now I need to pinch him and I'm 2 and a half hours away.

the Garcia family said...

Those are awesome pictures!! How cute! Now I'm sad that my kids missed out on Halloween this year.

amber. said...

Okay, ladies, seriously. It can't get any cuter, can it? Maybe if he had kittens and puppies frollicking around him... maybe.

And the thing is... all of htese were totally unposed. Even that ridiculously cute one where his chin is in his hands. He just layed down on the floor, stared at the camera and struck the pose! The photographer kept saying, "Where did this kid come from?"

Anonymous said...

Your ideas are incredible Amber! Jack in the Box, Cracker Jack.....I am excited to see next year.

The Momma Giraffe said...

Now that's another awesome Halloween costume!
You have the BEST ideas, Amber!!!


DanBin said...

Ok, at this point its cliche around this blog to tell you how cute your son is. Every holiday I think to myself, okay now there's really nothing else she can use his name with, and each holiday you prove me wrong. This one is way too cute. Can you come up with any for Priyana =)