Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Jesus and the Dinosaurs

My friend Billy sent me this with the caption, "I didn't understand evolution until this simple graphic explained the truth!" To me, this just perfectly captures the illogical weirdness that otherwise educated and intelligent people make room for in their belief systems that, when drawn out, just don't make sense. For instance, my friend has a master's degree in organic chemistry and she believes that there really were two of every kind of animal on Noah's arc. Really? Two of every animal? On a boat for forty days? That Noah built? Because God wanted to destroy all humans? Really? Or there's my friend, James, who still believes that we have never landed on the moon. And my friend, Cara, who believes that everyone is gay. Everyone, but we're all in denial.

I know I've got some too. I know that there are some really illogical ideas that I hold as truth simply because, if I question them, I'll realize that they're crazy. And then there goes my whole belief system. Like the belief that I need everyone to like me. And the belief that if someone's mad at me I'm to blame. And the belief that every relationship problem I've ever had is my fault.

This, of course, flows over into my parenting. I already know that every problem Jack will have in his life is because of me. I didn't prepare him well enough, I didn't model setting boundaries for him, I should have stayed home with him, he should have eaten only organic foods... I am your classic guilty parent.

Here's another one: conflict is scary and bad. Maybe this is the biggest one. Maybe this is the belief that I hold onto that drives my crazy behavior. I avoid conflict like the plague. You know that cooking show, Hell's Kitchen? Can't watch it. Or Jerry Springer? Nope. Even most court TV shows like Judge Judy send my anxiety through the roof. I can't stand to watch people in conflict.

Being this afraid of conflict is kind of like my friend, Cara, being angry that her mom won't admit to being gay. Which she isn't. And maybe conflict isn't bad. Maybe conflict is just something that naturally occurs when two or more people are placed in the same space. And maybe it feels bad but that's what gets us to communicate about it and reach an agreement. Or change our minds about the position we're holding. Or agree to disagree and still respect one another.

So maybe I need to rethink my illogical and weird views on conflict. Maybe my ridgid belief that conflict is bad and should be avoided at all costs is absurd. Maybe it has other people shaking their heads in disbelief, thinking, "You know, Amber is a bright girl but she still believes that conflict is bad. Can you believe it" Maybe this belief has been the big dinosaur in the room of my life... which, by the way, we don't know if Jesus ever rode them. But he probably did.


Anonymous said...

Okay, so I know I never leave a comment, even though I check your blog nearly every day, (ahem, you really should write more often. My needs should come before yours and Jacks. I mean really, Amber, where are your priorities?) Where was I? Oh, I am the person who has entered your life to introduce you to conflict, and to teach you that it IS good, or it can be good, anyway, and in most cases it is FUN! Every great story has a conflict at its core. What would life be without conflict? BORING. Anyway, that wasn't my purpose for leaving a comment. My purpose was to let you know that the picture doesn't work. We, (or I, anyway,) can't see it. All I see is a red X in the corner.

amber. said...


If you're going to take me on as your student, I need you to know that the idea of conflict being fun makes me feel nauseas. Seriously. And does this mean you're going to be picking fights with me because, if it does, I will avoid you. Plain and simple.

Does the photo work, now? It's really a vision to behold.

Anonymous said...

No, I won't pick fights with you, I promise.

The picture still isn't working for me. :o(

amber. said...

Is anyone else able to see the picture?

the Garcia family said...

No. The picture doesn't work. I agree by the way... you should write more often. I check almost every day too. Miss you. Come vacation in refreshing (100 degrees and smoke filled air) Fresno. I won't fight with you at all and we don't ahve to tell anyone else where to reach you!!

Leslie said...

I feel like I'm reading my own post..I cannot STAND to know that someone is mad at me; I have to have EVERYONE like me. What's more, I will go above and beyond to please them so that they will like me, and then I just end up hating myself even more and resenting them, too.
Ironically, I love a good conflict now and then. My cousin won't even speak to me and it's all I can do to keep from driving to her blasted home in Arizona, knocking on her door and beating her bitchy, whiny face in. All because she won't return my phone calls or emails, and there's NO EXPLANATION, no reason why she hates my guts (hmmm, I bent over backwards to give her free tickets to a concert in December and this is the payment I get)...

I DIGRESS and obviously I have issues...but I get it, I do...or maybe I only think about myself...