Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Shit and Shat

Jack loves to look at pictures of himself. Often times, when I need him to be occupied, I will play a slideshow of pictures of him and he loves it. In fact, he goes ape shit. He thinks it's hilarious. He points at the computer screen and says, "Is Shat! Shat!" Oh, and he calls himself Shat. Which I love.

Shat and I were in my bathroom today doing the usual try-to-get-dressed-
and-put-on-makeup-before-Jack-gets-bored-and-totally-unravels tango when I hear him say it. "Oh, shit." Now, I've heard him say it before but it's never been very clear. In the past when I've heard him say it, I just assumed that I was imagining things. I mean, Jack's entire catalogue of spoken words is only four words strong. No way there's a four-letter word in there. However, this time there was no denying that Shat was saying shit. He had dropped the bag of Q-tips (again, by the way. I've picked these mother fuckers up so many times that I am beginning to recognize them individually) and then let the words fly, like a pro. No horseying around. No baby talk. Just a good, solid, "Oh shit."

And since I don't have him swearing on video yet, you'll have to settle for this video of him "chatting" on the toy cell phone. My favorite part: the random bursts of laughter throughout his "conversation." God, he's so cute.

For more Jack videos, go here.


Anonymous said...

I don't know who he was talking to, but they sound HILARIOUS!

Was it just me, or at :43 secs, doesn't it sounds like he says "They're ringing a bell...with the wind!"? And then laugh hysterically?

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm totally biased because I strongly believe that my children ARE the cutest things alive, but I have to admit, genetics're kid ROCKS! He's awesome on a whole other level. I love him and I haven't even met him! What a great way to start my morning.

Anonymous said...

What the hell...Are you driving and video taping Jack!
Oh...and Jack is freakin' cute. Must be those Rice genes.

Anonymous said...

He is so stinkin' cute. how are you guys... I haven't talked to you in foreva!!!!!!!

the Garcia family said...

That is so cute. I love that he calls himself Shat. I can't wait to see you again. Hopefully Memorial Day works. (Its the last weekend not the first like I thought.)

Leslie said...

Oh, my gosh, he is totally emulating YOUR conversations on the cell phone! That must mean you laugh a lot. My favorite part is at about 2:07 when he looks at the camera as if to say, "WHAT?!!" SO effing cute.

By the way, Amber, I am so sorry I haven't gotten in touch with you whilst in Escondido. Long story, read the blog...but I am now there every Weds. and I think Melissavina and I are going to hit up some karaoke. I would just LOVE to meet you!!!

You get huge thumbs up for your awesome kid...can't wait to meet him, too. I feel like I already know him.

amber. said...

Laura: OMG, you're right! That's so creepy! It reminds me of those paranormal, ghost hunters audio clips. There's a totally illegible, garbled sound but then they write a subtitle underneath and you're like, "Dude, did you hear that? She said, 'Get out of my house!'"
Vicious: Glad that Jack could start your day off well! He is totally hilarious and I sometimes feel so sad that it's just me witnessing his awesomeness. I don't know what I'd do without Youtube.
Nate: I was going to say, "No, I was not driving while videotaping Jack," but that's exactly what I was doing. But not in the way you think. I am actually thrilled that the video turned out at all since I just taped it over my shoulder and had no idea if he was in the shot. Turns out, I'm a really good blind cinematographer.
Traci: I know. We need to talk. Wait a minute. What am I saying? I'm a single mother working two jobs. You're a pregnant, homeschooling mother of three and a wife. When would we ever have time to talk?
Jen: If you go, I'll go. Otherwise, NO. I can just see it now: me, Ron Storm, and Rich the bitch standing together by the petting zoo, discussing RIM and how getting a kid a "sack of tacos" is the answer to every behavioral problem.
Leslie: I know, it's so funny to watch. Today he "talked" on my old cell phone for a good hour, walking around the apartment and bursting into random fits of laughter. Oh, so so funny. I'm on my way to your blog now...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

DId you break up with blogger and decide to never post again??

miss you!

amber. said...


Grrrrrl, I be busy. You know how it is.