Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Be the Change You Wish To See In The World. -Ghandi

Dear Ms.Kern,

I feel compelled to write to you and express the deep sadness that I experienced when listening to you speak with your constituents about other human beings who have a different sexual preference than yours. I am not going to try to change your mind about what you believe or tell you that you are right or wrong. I'm sure you're getting plenty of hate mail about this and I do not wish to contribute to the hatred. I do encourage you to look at how your behavior may contributing to the hatred in our country. Do you want to be contributing to the sum total of hatred in the planet, or to the sum total of acceptance, loving, and peace?

You are in my thoughts and prayers and I am sending you, your constituents, your state, our country and our planet light now.
Amber Rice. San Diego, California

This is the letter I just emailed to Sally Kern, the Oklahoma State Representative who delivered a speech over the weekend in which was devastatingly toxic, demeaning and hateful. Apparently, she was confronted about it and she defended her stance and did not apologize. A part of me becomes so enraged and wants to tear her a new asshole for spewing such ignorance and poison across the planet. Another part of me felt such compassion and sadness for her and I was compelled to sit in prayer and send her loving light. One of my professors at USM told me the the only way to peace is to let go of any "against-ness" inside of myself. I think he might be right. So, I have chosen to embrace Sally Kern not because I condone her behavior but because I choose to be what she has not yet become: accepting, compassionate, and embracing. Send her your loving thoughts, and send up a prayer that we may come through this more enlightened, more loving, more accepting, and more embracing than we were before. And so it is.

If this issue matters to you and you feel compelled to take some action, here's the contact information for Sally Kern:

Capitol Address:
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd. Room 332
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
(405) 557-7348.

District Address:
2713 Sterling Ave.,
Oklahoma City, OK 73127.

Email: sallykern@okhouse.gov or srkern@cox.net


Melissavina said...

Here's the letter I just sent out:

Ms Kern,
I just finished watching a video on the internet where you discussed your views on homosexuality and it's prevalence in our society. I appreciate your right to speak out about what you believe and am not questioning your position of power.

What I would like you to know is that your message has caused a lot of pain and anger in both the gay and straight communities.

Please consider your words to be much more powerful than you may have known. Please understand that every person deserves respect and compassion regardless of their lifestyle. You did not give either in your message that is now circulating the internet worldwide.

I extend this courtesy to you as I beg you to reconsider your word choices the next time you stand before a microphone or a crowed.

Melissa Dickinson
San Clemente, California

Anonymous said...

I spent the morning writing letters and making phone calls. That this kind of ignorance still exists is just staggering, isn't it?

HopSkipJump said...

Thank you.